
Create your First Hybrid Collection

This guide will demonstrate how to create an Hybrid Collection fully end-to-end. Starting from how to create all the assets needed, to how to create the escrow and setting up all the parameters to swap from Fungible Token to Non Fungible Token and viceversa!

What is MPL-Hybrid?

MPL-Hybrid is a new model for digital assets, web3 games, and onchain communities. At the core of the model is a swap program that trades a fixed number of fungible assets for a non-fungible asset and vice versa.


  • Code Editor of your choice (recommended Visual Studio Code)
  • Node 18.x.x or above.

Initial Setup

This guide will teach you how to create an Hybrid Collection using Javascript! You may need to modify and move functions around to suit your needs.

Initializing the Project

Start by initializing a new project (optional) with the package manager of your choice (npm, yarn, pnpm, bun) and fill in required details when prompted.

npm init

Required Packages

Install the required packages for this guide.

npm i @metaplex-foundation/umi
npm i @metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults
npm i @metaplex-foundation/mpl-core
npm i @metaplex-foundation/mpl-hybrid
npm i @metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata


Before setting up the escrow for the MPL-Hybrid program, which facilitates the swapping of fungible tokens for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and vice versa, you’ll need to have both a collection of Core NFTs and fungible tokens already minted.

If you’re missing any of these prerequisites, don’t worry! We’ll give you all the resources you need to go through each step.

Note: To work, the escrow will need to be funded with NFTs, fungible tokens, or a combination of both. The simplest way to maintain balance in the escrow is to fill it entirely with one type of asset while distributing the other!

Creating the NFT Collection

To utilize the metadata randomization feature in the MPL-Hybrid program, the off-chain metadata URIs need to follow a consistent, incremental structure. For this, we use the path manifest feature from Arweave in combination with the Turbo SDK.

Manifest allows multiple transactions to be linked under a single base transaction ID and assigned human-readable file names, like this:

  • ...

If you're unfamiliar with creating deterministic URIs, you can follow this guide for a detailed walkthrough. Additionally, you can find instructions on creating a collection and the assets required for the Hybrid program to function.

Note: Currently, the MPL-Hybrid program randomly picks a number between the min and max URI index provided and does not check to see if the URI is already used. As such, swapping suffers from the Birthday Paradox. In order for projects to benefit from sufficient swap randomization, we recommend preparing and uploading a minimum of 250k asset metadata that can be randomly picked from. The more available potential assets the better!

Creating the Fungible Tokens

The MPL-Hybrid escrow requires an associated fungible token that can be used to redeem or pay for the release of an NFT. This can be an existing token that's already minted and circulating, or entirely a new one!

If you’re unfamiliar with creating a token, you can follow this guide to learn how to mint your own fungible token on Solana.

Creating the Escrow

After creating both the NFT Collection and Tokens, we're finally ready to create the Escrow and start swapping!

But before jumping in the relevant information about MPL-Hybrid, it's a good idea to learn how to set up your Umi instance since we're going to do that multiple time during the guide.

Setting up Umi

While setting up Umi you can use or generate keypairs/wallets from different sources. You create a new wallet for testing, import an existing wallet from the filesystem, or use walletAdapter if you are creating a website/dApp.

Note: For this example we're going to set up Umi with a generatedSigner() but you can find all the possible setup down below!

Note: The walletAdapter section provides only the code needed to connect it to Umi, assuming you've already installed and set up the walletAdapter. For a comprehensive guide, refer to this

Setup the Parameters

After setting up your Umi instance, the next step is to configure the parameters required for the MPL-Hybrid Escrow.

We'll begin by defining the general settings for the escrow contract:

// Escrow Settings - Change these to your needs
const name = "MPL-404 Hybrid Escrow";                       
const uri = "";               
const max = 15;                                             
const min = 0;                                              
const path = 0;
NameThe name of the escrow contract (e.g., "MPL-404 Hybrid Escrow").
URIThe base URI of the NFT collection. This should follow the deterministic metadata structure.
Max & MinThese define the range of the deterministic URIs for the collection's metadata.
PathChoose between two paths: 0 to update the NFT metadata on swap, or 1 to keep the metadata unchanged after a swap.

Next, we configure the key accounts needed for the escrow:

// Escrow Accounts - Change these to your needs
const collection = publicKey('<YOUR-COLLECTION-ADDRESS>'); 
const token = publicKey('<YOUR-TOKEN-ADDRESS>');           
const feeLocation = publicKey('<YOUR-FEE-ADDRESS>');        
const escrow = umi.eddsa.findPda(MPL_HYBRID_PROGRAM_ID, [
    string({ size: 'variable' }).serialize('escrow'),
CollectionThe collection being swapped to or from. This is the address of the NFT collection.
TokenThe token being swapped to or from. This is the address of the fungible token.
Fee LocationThe address where any fees from the swaps will be sent.
EscrowThe derived escrow account, which is responsible for holding the NFTs and tokens during the swap process.

Lastly, we define the token-related parameters and create a helper function, addZeros(), to adjust token amounts for decimals:

// Token Swap Settings - Change these to your needs
const tokenDecimals = 6;                                    
const amount = addZeros(100, tokenDecimals);                
const feeAmount = addZeros(1, tokenDecimals);               
const solFeeAmount = addZeros(0, 9);                       

// Function that adds zeros to a number, needed for adding the correct amount of decimals
function addZeros(num: number, numZeros: number): number {
  return num * Math.pow(10, numZeros)
AmountThe amount of tokens the user will receive during the swap, adjusted for decimals.
Fee AmountThe amount of the token fee the user will pay when swapping to an NFT.
Sol Fee AmountAn additional fee (in SOL) that will be charged when swapping to NFTs, adjusted for Solana's 9 decimal places.

Initialize the Escrow

We can now initialize the escrow using the initEscrowV1() method, passing in all the parameters and variables we’ve set up. This will create your own MPL-Hybrid Escrow.

const initEscrowTx = await initEscrowV1(umi, {

const signature = base58.deserialize(initEscrowTx.signature)[0]
console.log(`Escrow created!${signature}?cluster=devnet`)

Note: As we said before, simply creating the escrow won’t make it "ready" for swapping. You’ll need to populate the escrow with either NFTs or tokens (or both). Here’s how:

Full Code Example

If you want to simply copy and paste the full code for creating the escrow, here it is!

Capture & Release

Setup the Accounts

After setting up Umi (as we did in the previous section), the next step is configuring the accounts needed for the Capture & Release process. These accounts will feel familiar since they’re similar to what we used earlier and they are the same for both instructions:

// Step 2: Escrow Accounts - Change these to your needs
const collection = publicKey('<YOUR-COLLECTION-ADDRESS>');
const token = publicKey('<YOUR-TOKEN-ADDRESS>');
const feeProjectAccount = publicKey('<YOUR-FEE-ADDRESS>');
const escrow = umi.eddsa.findPda(MPL_HYBRID_PROGRAM_ID, [
    string({ size: 'variable' }).serialize('escrow'),

Note: The feeProjectAccount is the same as the feeLocation field from the last script.

Choose the Asset to Capture/Release

How you choose the asset to caputre and release, depends on the path you selected when creating the Escrow:

  • Path 0: If the path is set to 0, the NFT metadata will be updated during the swap, so you can just grab a random asset from the escrow since this will not matter.
  • Path 1: If the path is set to 1, the NFT metadata stays the same after the swap, so you could let the user choose which specific NFT they want to swap into.

For Capture

If you're capturing an NFT, here's how you can pick a random asset owned by the escrow:

// Fetch all the assets in the collection
const assetsListByCollection = await fetchAssetsByCollection(umi, collection, {
    skipDerivePlugins: false,

// Find the assets owned by the escrow
const asset = assetsListByCollection.filter(
    (a) => a.owner === publicKey(escrow)

For Release

If you're releasing an NFT, it’s generally up to the user to choose which one they want to release. But for this example, we’ll just select a random asset owned by the user:

// Fetch all the assets in the collection
const assetsListByCollection = await fetchAssetsByCollection(umi, collection, {
    skipDerivePlugins: false,

// Usually the user choose what to exchange
const asset = assetsListByCollection.filter(
    (a) => a.owner === umi.identity.publicKey

Capture (Fungible to Non-Fungible)

Now, let’s finally talk about the Capture instruction. This is the process where you swap fungible tokens for an NFT (The amount of tokens needed for the swap is set at escrow creation).

// Capture an NFT by swapping fungible tokens
const captureTx = await captureV1(umi, {
  owner: umi.identity.publicKey,

const signature = base58.deserialize(captureTx.signature)[0];
console.log(`Captured! Check it out:${signature}?cluster=devnet`);

Release (Non-Fungible to Fungible)

Releasing is the opposite of capturing—here you swap an NFT for fungible tokens:

// Release an NFT and receive fungible tokens
const releaseTx = await releaseV1(umi, {
  owner: umi.payer,

const signature = base58.deserialize(releaseTx.signature)[0];
console.log(`Released! Check it out:${signature}?cluster=devnet`);

Full Code Example

Here's the full code for Capture and Release

Create Deterministic Metadata with Turbo